
The King : Elvis

He was one of the most important American singers of the 20th century. Elvis Aaron Presly, he was born in 1935 in Mississipi, when he was a teenager a record label saw the potential of this young man. Some say her voice was unique, as she could sing in the blues style of Afro-American music. The only way to expand this music to high levels was for a white American to sing it. Public his first album in 1959, under the name of Heartbreak Hotel.  Elvis was also a movie star. He played music of the type:  rock and roll (he is king of rock and roll)  blues, gospell, soul. He was such a popular artist, that he can even categorize it as pop.  Elvis came into a recording studio to sing, when asked who his voice looked like, he said that to no one, and it was true, the voices of that time were very different from those of today. The first time he played for an audience was with his guitar as a child, he was very young. After some performances, and added to his stage mates. Elvis moved his le

Good Friend

In 2011 I kown Hsin tzy Huang Lin, she was classmate in the school, she is a taiwanese descendant and veggie when it was not massive costum; when it was chinese new year, Hsin tzy's mother, made moon bread, it's a bread with sweet chickpeas, is very tasty.  When was fridays we where going to eat restaurant of the Mrs. Lin in the Compañia street.  Since our school was a girls' school. We got together with the children from the front school, went to the square, talked and laughed a lot.  The years passed and we begin the secondary school, Hsin tzy change of school. We think not finaly of friendliness, we started to have a different friendship.  We couldn't go out every day together anymore, but we did get together to watch movies with our friends, then the big group disappeared, but we still got together.  Today with Hsin tzy, we are going to have coffee after class, because she studies architecture at the FAU. We get along very well although we are very different, I

Walk on valdiviana jungle

2 years ago in the vacations in the south of Chile, whit my Friends before begin university. We went the travel for south of Chile, but most beatiful was in Niebla in the Los Ríos region. We to get there, we took a shuttle. We got there in time for the last one out that day. Was summer, but in south of Chile, not is much hot. They arrived in the affternoon, we was tired because only we tended the tends for sleep. In the morning we get up, for the objetive in the day was visit the Alerce Costero National Park.  After after breaksfast, we go for a walk for pathway on the Valdiviana Jungle, You can breathe clean air. You can see very large quantity of vegetation. In the walk exist waterfalls, the pure water, this the emates of the mountain. After 50 mimutes walking we arrived at the beach, We didn't expect to get there. The alone beach, for us was virgin beach. I think the special travel, when the Friends not separate for things Little important. This momento was unique. I feeli
PAINT IN FREE TIME In free time I like paint which different technique and materials, I can paint with pens, or oleos, but my favorite technique is the watercolors, is most delicate.   When I paint with watercolors in the papers, I often draw and after paint. I often paint flowers landscapes, still life, or beautiful sky. I did paint since 5 years old, but when I was child paint on plaster figures, because, dad give me this material. I was paint ugly or not meticulous. Whit the practice I was better, I think is in the most important is try, because is the hobby, no exist responsibility with teacher or evaluations. I like paint because I filling free of others press: university, family, and friends. You do paint alone, It´s moment for you. You need motivation for learn other technique artistic, not is necessary much talent.  If you go painting with aquarelles or watercolors need papers (can be texture), watercolors, paint brush and water (because need use whit the watercolor

Family Photo

This Family photo, was taken in the Saltos del Laja in the 7th region, in February del 2019, when we were going to the travel south of Chile and Argentina. The day was very hot and dry, so we were go to swim in the river. But the photo was taken before we go to the swim. In the Photo appears My dad, Nelson (left to rigth), I, My mom, Gema, and my brother Pedro and others persons. This day was second day of vacations, when I have most energy and want know every thing. This place is most touristic, it have hotel and camping’s zone. I like the photo, because represent one moment happy, in spite of everything as discussions. This thing is not real important. Whit the photo I remember I have the little family, I think the time is very fast, with the technology wasting time in movil phones, laptops, smart tv, etc. If the moments, we stay with the people loved. When we go to travel, unit us, and disconnect with day to day in Santiago.
Future Work  I like job waitress, for now in life university. Because, I would do in moments of free days. But in the future after of finish studies, I would like in public service, as in environment department or institute of housing, I like the job because the knowledge of the society and environment is the most relation with risk studies or pacification of city. It is the qualities for do this job well is the know of conditions for this place for example: climatological, gemological, socioeconomically, cultural and hydrological. Because, it´s the facts in constant relation and mutually intervene. This the important holistic vision of phenomenon. I think would be good in this job because I like study the conjunct territorial. The persons which my inspiration is teacher in school, because he talked about debate geographical, in relation cities and your configurations. Today my personal motivation is far away persons, with relation concepts and themes.
31 minutos is the favorite program of television I was children I liked watch TV in morning in Saturday and Sunday, because It is the puppet show the singular program of news. The 31 minutos is the joke of oldest program of news in Chile. It the sketches of green note by Juan Carlos Bodoque, simulate journalist and investigate over environmental and historical topic.  The program started in 2003, but I watched in 2005, today the 31 minutos is the musical band, the programs have section of musical ranking where Policarpo introduce a singers puppet show. I enjoyed because, different of the others programs in the 31 minutos is the chaotic journalist and producer, it was a really good show.  In the last years the group was most famous at level Latin America, because the program not only for kids, but the parents and youngers people would be have fun with the show.