Walk on valdiviana jungle

2 years ago in the vacations in the south of Chile, whit my Friends before begin university. We went the travel for south of Chile, but most beatiful was in Niebla in the Los Ríos region. We to get there, we took a shuttle. We got there in time for the last one out that day.
Was summer, but in south of Chile, not is much hot. They arrived in the affternoon, we was tired because only we tended the tends for sleep. In the morning we get up, for the objetive in the day was visit the Alerce Costero National Park. 
After after breaksfast, we go for a walk for pathway on the Valdiviana Jungle, You can breathe clean air. You can see very large quantity of vegetation. In the walk exist waterfalls, the pure water, this the emates of the mountain. After 50 mimutes walking we arrived at the beach, We didn't expect to get there. The alone beach, for us was virgin beach. I think the special travel, when the Friends not separate for things Little important. This momento was unique. I feeling we can go back to the way it was.
We changed, but this the summer we knew many landscapes of our country.


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